Babel user information
hu-N Ennek a szerkesztőnek magyar az anyanyelve.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
Users by language
This user is an administrator on Wikimedia Commons. (verify)
This user is a member of the Volunteer Response Team. (verify)
UTC-2This user's timezone is UTC−2.
IRCThis user chats on Freenode:
#wikimedia-commons as grin.
MThis user uses Matrix by the name


I'm Peter Gervai from the Hungarian Wikipedia.

I'm an editor there, possess most of the magical rights (admin, bureaucrat, checkuser, ...) and I happen to be the user with the smallest user ID after Brion, which is usually translated as "the founder".

I use commons as everyone else. I upload my pictures here (not much, though, I'm no professional photographer), I transfer free images from HUWP. I often try to help fellow Hungarian editors to settle disputes or to avoid misunderstandings.

I am one who urges the usage of commons in HUWP, trying to organise translation (or actually translate, if my time permits).

I am planning to run for adminship partly because I believe that at least a few Hungarian admins is required for the smooth operation of our Commons usage, as well as helping the occasional lack of care of reinstallment process of accidentally deleted images and other media.

Admin rights are required to keep the locally translated (and protected) pages up to date as well.

You can reach me best by email, use the link at the left. Second best option is the talk page of HUWP.



  • úgy érzed, hogy a Commonson valakivel feloldhatatlan konfliktusod van,
  • a képedet törölni akarják, és szerinted nincs igazuk,
  • törölték a képedet, és nem érted miért,
  • nem tudsz jól angolul, és szükség lenne valakivel egyeztetni

akkor keress meg itt; vagy a matrixon, emailben, google talkon és megpróbálok segíteni.

Translation for the curiousEdit

If (you are Hungarian, and)

  • you feel you have an unsolvable conflict with someone,
  • they want to delete your picture and you believe they're wrong,
  • they deleted your picture and you don't understand why,
  • you cannot speak English well and there's a need to discuss a topic,

then contact me here, or through matrix, email or gtalk and I try to help.



Automagically or manually: