Penguin Island Ferry Gnangarra
special work, sunset over Fremantle Inner Harbour, watch the dolphin swim through, it was a pleasant surprise that just maybe an indication that we doing something very special here
Counting in Nyungar
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This user is an administrator on Wikimedia Commons. (verify)
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
nys-N This user has a native understanding of Nyunga.
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Joined Wikipedia in 2005, first contributed to Commons in February 2006. In June 2006 I created the Commons:Quality Images project to help address the lack of high quality user created images. Former President of Wikimedia Australia, I lead WikiLoves Monuments in Australia in 2017 & 2018, was part of the Core Organising teams for Wikimania 2020 & 2021. I have been an administrator on Commons since 2007,

how to illustrate Wikipedia




Please note: To ensure security of my regular account I have created User:Gnangcomapp as a second account for the Wikimedia Commons Mobile app.