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<nowiki>जर्मनी; Þýskaland; Jerman; Germany; آلمان; IJalimane; Dütschland; جرمنی; Alemanha; Germany; Germània; জাৰ্মানী; Německo; Njemačka; Германие; Allemagne; Njemačka; जर्मनी; آلمان; ଜର୍ମାନୀ; Vuokītėjė; Немачка; Däitschland; Tyskland; Almaniya; Saksa; ألمانيا; Alamagn; Tysklaante; Alemaña; Alemanya; Германия; Germaniya; Germania; An Ghearmáin; Немачка; Almaniya; Germany; გერმანია; ドイツ; Germania; Germany; المانيا; Djermani; Germania; जर्मनी; Kelemānia; ਜਰਮਨੀ; Almagne; Germany; ألمانيا; Нямеччына; Алмания; Saksanma; Jarimani; Germany; Germània; Düütsklound; འཇར་མན།; Jeremane; Germania; Teutontlālpan; ma Tosi; Alemanya; Alemanne; Germanie; Γερμανία; Siamane; Jarmalka; Германи; Ӂермания; Siamani; ಜರ್ಮನಿ; dotygu'e; ປະເທດເຢັຽລະມັນ; 독일; Týskland; Germanio; Jerman; Alemanya; জার্মানি; Dáik-guók; जर्मनी; آلمان; דייטשלאנד; Němska; Đức; Германи; Ubudagi; Germany; Germany; Герман; Tyskland; Heremani; ಜರ್ಮನಿ; Alémani; Germany; Alemaña; ߊߟߏߡߊ߲ߘߎ߯; Alimaɲi; ጀርመን; Немыч Эл; Almanya; जर्मनी; Alemanya; Jerman; Siamani; Germania; Allemangne; Jarmanii; អាល្លឺម៉ង់; ᱡᱟᱨᱢᱟᱱᱤ; ܓܪܡܢ; Germaniya; ꯖꯔꯃꯦꯅꯤ; Germania; Vuoceja; Германия; Jẹ́mánì; Джэрмэн; Almaañ; Nemčija; Alemanya; ᎠᏛᏥ; Niemcy; ജർമ്മനി; Duitsland; Jerman; Германия; Alemaña; Γερμανία; Mjymcy; Germany; မိူင်းၵျႃႇမၼီႇ; آلمان; Germany; Jami̱ni; Nemecko; Німеччина; Germaniýa; Almanya; Dütschland; Germaniya; Германия; Германија; Deitschland; जर्मनी; Германия; Alemania; Германия Мастор; ཇཱར་མ་ནི་; Saksāmō; जर्मनी; IJalimani; Almaniya; Germany; 德國; Немечму; ဂျာမနီနိုင်ငံ; 德國; Германия; Alemanya; Tet-koet; Germany; IJamani; Deutschland; yr Almaen; Գերմանիա; 德國; Dútslân; Germuanii; जर्मनी; Alemaña; Alimaña; ጀርመን; ජර්මනිය; Germany; Jermaniya; 德国; Saksa; Tiamana; Gërmania; Saksslajânnam; Duutsland; Joermani; 𐌸𐌹𐌿𐌳𐌹𐍃𐌺𐌰𐌻𐌰𐌽𐌳; S'aksamaa; Alemaña; Alemanyi; Dietschlaunt; Doysrikondre; Daitschlond; 德国; Jerman; Miemieckô; Deutxland; Duutsland; Jerman; Ghermãnia; Jeureuman; Alemanya; Germania; Germania; Njemačka; 德國; Jamus; Нїмецько; Germany; 德國; Duitsland; Germany; Ġermanja; Alemanha; Германия; 도이췰란드; Alimaniya; 德国; آلمان; Lalman; 德國; Германия; Дойчмастор; Ubudage; Tcariman aski; Doichland; Almayn; Германия; ประเทศเยอรมนี; Girimane; 德國; Deutän; Alemaina; Tyskland; Germania; Girmania; Jémanị; Олмон; Duiska; גרמניה; گېرمانىيە; Олмон; Герман; జర్మనీ; Alemania; yn Ghermaan; Dwzgoz; 德国; Germany; جرمن; ޖަރުމަނުވިލާތް; Lanlmangn; Lalman; Duutsjlandj; Alemagne; Alemania; Almaanya; Германия; Vācija; Alemania; Béésh Bichʼahii Bikéyah; Tek-kok; Caama; Alemanha; Düütschland; Jemani; Döüdschlônd; Nimska; Almanya; Jerman; Germania; Алмания; ئەڵمانیا; ألمانيا; Gjermanie; Deitschland; Alemaña; Ниицәтә Немшин Орн; ᔮᒪᓂ; Németország; જર્મની; Германиа; Alemania; Германия; Нѣмьци; آلمان; Germany; Deutschland; Германи; Германія; जर्मनी; Duutslaand; Almanya; जर्मनी; जर्मनी; Deutschland; გერმანია; Germâgna; Germania; Jeremane; Алмания; Jamani; Germana; Germany; Almanha; Tjüschlönj; Germany; جرمنی; 德国; Germania; Германи; Tyskland; Almay; Saksamaa; जर्मनी; Alemanya; Jérman; Gjermania; जर्मनी; 德國; Nemačka; Þēodscland; آلمان; Tyskland; Vokietija; Germany; செருமனி; জার্মানি; Zermània; Gyaaman; Ujerumani; A' Ghearmailt; Ma'evé'ho'éno; Գերմանիա; Jerman; جرمني; Γερμανία; Almania; ألمانيا; Germany; Tusklánnda; país de Europa; statu di l'Europa; Land í Mið-Evrópu; država u srednjoj Evropi; مُلُک; ma lon ma Elopa; 欧洲国家; negara di Eropa Tengah; un pais en Europa; କେନ୍ଦ୍ରୀୟ ୟୁରୋପୀୟ ଦେଶ; country in central Europe; وچ اولھ يورپ جو ملڪ; държава в Западна Европа; Үзәк Аурупадагы федератив дәүләт; țară din Europa Centrală de Vest; 歐洲國家; ομοσπονδιακή δημοκρατία στην κεντρική Ευρώπη; 歐洲國家; Түб Европын улас; Үҙәк Европалағы дәүләт; країна у Центральній Європі, демократична федеративна республіка; кишвар дар Аврупо; 歐洲國家; 欧洲国家; en Staat z Europa; Markaziy Yevropadagi davlat; အလယ်ဥရောပနိုင်ငံ; lando en centra Eŭropo; stát ve střední Evropě; pais na Oropa; Estau d'Europa; মধ্য-পশ্চিম ইউরোপের যুক্তরাষ্ট্রীয় সংসদীয় প্রজাতন্ত্র; pays d'Europe; nagara ing Eropa Tengah; država u srednjoj Europi; štát v strednej Európe; stat w srjejźnej Europje; država u Evropi; Orta Avrupa'da federal bir devlet; युरोप खंडातील एक देश; stat w srjedźnej Europje; quốc gia nằm ở khu vực Trung Âu; tír i lár na hEorpa; ქიანა; land in Sentraal-Europa; Stôôd in Middlöurobô; کشوری در مرکز قارهٔ اروپا; país del centre d'Europa; país da Europa; federal pairlamentary republic in central-wastren Europe; Land a Mëtteleuropa; land i Sentral-Europa; land i Sentral-Europa; mərkəzi Avropada ölkə; nagara di Eropa; país da Europa Central; ಮಧ್ಯ ಯುರೋಪ್‍ನ ಒಂದು ದೇಶ; وڵاتێک لە ئەورووپای ناوەندی; country in Central Europe; دولة في وسط غرب أوروبا; land on middel Europan; Un Land in Europa; ߋߙߐߔߎ߬ ߕߟߋ߬ߓߋ ߞߊ߬ߝߏ ߘߏ߫; 西歐一國; állam Közép-Európában; ሰንት ቀበሌ አላት; Үзәк Аурупадагы федератив дәүләт; Europako erdialdeko herrialdea; государство в Центральной Европе; estáu d'Europa; Staat in Middeleuropa; Iwrupapi suyu; Bundesstaat in Mitteleuropa; 欧洲国家; краіна Цэнтральнай Еўропы; држава у средњој Европи; 歐洲國家; Welatekî Ewropayê; ქვეყანა ცენტრალურ ევროპაში; 西ヨーロッパの国; Staat in Mitteleuropa; valsts Eiropā; riik Kesk-Euroopas; ኣብ ማእከላይ ኤውሮጳ እትርከብ ሃገር; מדינה באירופה; civitas Europae; मध्य युरोपको देश; them andi Eropa; ఐరోపా లోని ఒక దేశం; riika Gaska-Eurohpás; краіна ў Эўропе; Εὐρώπης χώρα; paez del sentro de Evropa; மத்திய ஐரோப்பாவில் உள்ள நாடு; stato dell'Europa, membro dell'Unione Europea; bangsa king Kalibudtarang Europa; e West-Europees land; förbundsrepublik i Centraleuropa; 歐洲國家; country in central Europe; юкьван Европада авай гьукумат; liittovaltio Keski-Euroopassa; मध्य यूरोप में स्थित एक देश; pagilian idiay Europa; paìsi di l'Europa; Schdaad in Europa; pajjiż fl-Ewropa Ċentrali; 중앙유럽의 국가; forbundsrepublik i Centraleuropa; valstybė Vidurio Europoje; država v Evropi; gwlad yng nghanolbarth Ewrop; Staat in Mitteleuropa; држава у средњој Европи; สมพันธ์สาธารณรัฐในยุโรปกลาง; państwo w Europie Środkowej; യൂറോപ്പിന്റെ പടിഞ്ഞാറുഭാഗത്ത് സ്ഥിതി ചെയ്യുന്ന ഫെഡറൽ പാർ‌ലമെന്റ്ററി രാജ്യമാണ്‌ ജർമ്മനി (ഔദ്യോഗിക നാമം: ഫെഡറൽ റിപ്പബ്ലിക് ഓഫ്‌ ജർമ്മനി, ജർമൻ ഭാഷയിൽ : Bundesrepublik Deutschland); land in West- en Centraal-Europa; وستی یورپ میں ایک ملک; država u srednjoj Evropi; pàize de l'Eoröpa; Stat te l'Europa zentrela; país de Europa; Stoot in Mittleiropa; country in Central Europe; 欧洲国家; República Federal de Alemania; Republica Federal de Alemania; Republika Federalnŏ Niymiec; Niymcy; Ghjermania; Republica Federale di Germania; Nenāhuatīliztlācatlahtohcāyōtl Alemania; Alemania; Deutschland; de; المان; Федерална република Германия; ФРГ; Almanya Federal Cumhuriyeti; Nemecká spolková republika; ФРН; Федеративна Республіка Німеччина; Almaniýa; 德意志; 德意志聯邦; 德意志聯邦共和國; 獨逸; Elmanya; Deutschland; 도이칠란트; 독일연방공화국; Германия Федеративтік Республикасы; Germanujo; Federacia Respubliko Germanio; Spolková republika Německo; SRN; NSR; BRD; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; de; GER; Niemieckô; RFA; République fédérale allemande; République fédérale d'Allemagne; de; GER; BR Deutschland; BRD; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Deutschland; DE; la République fédérale d’Allemagne; All.; R. F. A.; Lalmangn; Zwjazkowa republika Němska; ZRN; Cộng hòa Liên bang Đức; GER; DE; de; Bondsrepubliek Duitsland; Federale Republiek van Duitsland; Bondsrepubliek van Duitsland; Bééshbichʼahii Bikéyah Ałhidadiidzooígíí; Немций мохк; Ubudage; FRG; BRD; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; República Federal da Alemanha; de; 🇩🇪; Germany; Deutsch Liân-pang Kiōng-hô-kok; Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland; Almaniya Federativ Respublikası; Герман; Saksa littotäsiväldi; Federal Republic of Germany; Deutschland; GER; BR Deutschland; DE; BRD; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; de; GFR; جمهورية ألمانيا اﻻتحادية; Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland; 德意志; 德意志联邦; 德意志联邦共和国; ဂျာမနီဖက်ဒရယ်သမ္မတနိုင်ငံ; ဂျာမဏီ; ဘီအာဒီ; 德意志; 德意志聯邦; 德意志聯邦共和國; Jermani; ዶይችላንድ; Republica Federală Germania; RFG; Алман Федератив Республикасы; АФР; Алмания Федератив Җөмһүрияте; Федератив Герман Республикасы; Алманиә; Алман иле; Германия; Германиә; Герман иле; Ομοσπονδιακή Δημοκρατία της Γερμανίας; República Federal d'Alemaña; Федеративная Республика Германия; ФРГ; Deutschland; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Дойчланд; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; BR Deutschland; BRD; Gweriniaeth Ffederal yr Almaen; Савезна Република Њемачка; FRG; BRD; de; 🇩🇪; Deutschland; Дојчланд; Германија; Њемачка; אלמאניה; Գերմանիայի Դաշնային Հանրապետություն; 德意志; 德意志联邦; 德意志联邦共和国; 德意志聯邦; 德意志聯邦共和國; 德国; Elmanya; გერმანიის ფედერაციული რესპუბლიკა; ドイツ連邦共和国; 独国; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; BR Deutschland; BRD; Hāmene; Qirmaniya; 🇩🇪; ፈደራላዊት ሪፓብሊክ ጀርመን; GER; Bondsrepubliek Duitsland; DE; DEU; Bondsrepubliek; Алман Федератив Республикасы; АФР; Алмания Федератив Җөмһүрияте; Федератив Герман Республикасы; Алманиә; Алман иле; Германия; Германиә; Герман иле; शर्मण्यदेशः; جمهوری فدرال آلمان; لالمان; Saksan liittotasavalta; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Германия; Almagna; Saksslajânnam lett-tääʹssväʹldd; Saksa; Saksa lett-tääʹssväʹldd; ஜெர்மனி; Repubblica Federale di Germania; DEU; GER; BR Deutschland; BRD; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Deutschland; de; Duitsland; Ҷумҳурии Федералии Олмон; Ҷумҳурии Федеролии Олмон; Njĩrĩmani; Saksamaa Liitvabariik; SLV; Duiskka lihttodásseváldi; Tusska; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; de; GER; BR Deutschland; BRD; FRG; DEU; Német Szövetségi Köztársaság; Deutschland; de; Repubblika Federali tal-Ġermanja; Deutschland; Þēodiscland; Gebundene Cynewīse Þēodisclandes; Ałemània; Deutschland; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Repùblega federałe de Zermània; Repùblega federałe de Ałemània; ཇཱར་མ་ནི; Dzamanya; Alemagnes; Tuitchilan; Федератив Республика Германия; Alemanya; สหพันธ์สาธารณรัฐเยอรมนี; Deutschland; BR Deutschland; BRD; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; ഫെഡറൽ റിപ്പബ്ലിക് ഓഫ്‌ ജർമ്മനി; Nemačka; Tyskit Nunaat; Федерациянь Республикась Дойчмастор; ФРД; Förbundsrepubliken Tyskland; সংযুক্ত প্রজাতন্ত্রী জার্মানি; ФРГ; Федэратыўная Рэспубліка Германія; Zwězkowa republika Nimska; Federal Republic of Germany; Deutschland; GER; BR Deutschland; DE; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; de; GFR; Bunnäsrebublik Döüdschlônd; BR Döüdschlônd; BRD</nowiki>
country in Central Europe
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Pronunciation audio
Instance of
  • sovereign state
Part of
Named after
Patron saint
Located in or next to body of water
Basic form of government
Legislative body
Executive body
Highest judicial authority
Official language
Head of state
Head of government
Significant event
  • Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany (1949–)
  • Occupation statute (1949–1955)
  • Saarland (1957–)
  • Treaties of Rome (1958–)
  • Élysée Treaty (1963–)
  • Berlin Wall (1961–1989)
  • Basic Treaty (1973–1990)
  • Economic, Monetary and Social Union (1990–1990)
  • Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany (1991–)
  • 1972 Summer Olympics (Munich, 1972–1972)
  • German reunification (1989–1990)
  • Yugoslav Wars (Implementation Force, 1995–2012)
  • War in Afghanistan (2001–2021)
Highest point
  • 83,149,300 (2019)
  • 357,587.77 km²
Drainage basin
Top-level Internet domain
Different from
Maximum temperature record
Minimum temperature record
official website
Map51° 00′ 00″ N, 10° 00′ 00″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q183
ISNI: 0000 0001 2285 4945
VIAF ID: 189116956
GND ID: 4011882-4
Library of Congress authority ID: n80125931
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 12205186t, 152996644, 11930867z
IdRef ID: 030685435
NDL Authority ID: 00561571
NL CR AUT ID: ge135889
HDS ID: 003352
National Library of Israel ID (old): 000981369
Biblioteca Nacional de España ID: XX450924
U.S. National Archives Identifier: 10044480
BabelNet ID: 00026684n
National Library of Israel J9U ID: 987007559778705171
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 51477
OpenStreetMap node ID: 1683325355 ID: osm&id=276
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The Federal Republic of Germany is a country in Europe. Its capital is Berlin.

Emblems / Badges[edit]


Main category: Maps of Germany

There are Locator maps of municipalities in Germany, districts (Landkreise) and federate states (Bundesländer).

Recent maps[edit]

Historical maps[edit]

Heads of State[edit]

from 1949
date QS:P,+1949-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P580,+1949-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

between 1934 and 1945
date QS:P,+1950-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P1319,+1934-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1945-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
, Third Reich)

between 1918 and 1934
date QS:P,+1950-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P1319,+1918-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1934-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
, Weimar Republic)

until 1918
date QS:P,+1918-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P582,+1918-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
, German Empire)

head of government (

Main gallery: Chancellors of Germany.

Nach 1949 (

from 1949

date QS:P,+1949-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P580,+1949-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

1918 – 1945 (
, Weimar Republic)

between 1918 and 1945

date QS:P,+1950-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P1319,+1918-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1945-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

Vor 1918 (
, German Empire)

until 1918

date QS:P,+1918-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P582,+1918-00-00T00:00:00Z/9


Main category: Geography of Germany

Large cities[edit]

Cities with more than 500'000 inhabitants:


Main category: Architecture of Germany

Famous Germans (Berühmte Deutsche / Célébrités / Personaggi famosi)[edit]



Visual Arts[edit]

Natural sciences (Naturwissenschaften / Sciences naturelles / Scienze naturali)[edit]

Humanities (Geisteswissenschaften / Lettres / Umanistiche)[edit]

Others (Andere / Autres / Altrui)[edit]


Main category: Transport in Germany


Main category: Nature of Germany


Main category: Museums in Germany

See also[edit]


To display all subcategories click on the "▶":
Germany(26 C, 1 P, 4 F)
Germany by topic(142 C, 1 F)
Aircraft of Germany(10 C, 4 F)
Archaeology in Germany(34 C, 1 F)
Architecture of Germany(52 C, 2 P, 146 F)
Art of Germany(64 C, 1 P, 131 F)
Artillery of Germany(35 C, 156 F)
Astronomy in Germany(22 C, 3 F)
Aviation in Germany(26 C, 1 P, 36 F)
Biology in Germany(6 C, 2 F)
Books from Germany(312 C, 602 F)
Chemistry in Germany(8 C, 7 F)
Construction in Germany(38 C, 41 F)
Culture of Germany(98 C, 1 F)
Devices in Germany(4 C, 1 F)
Economy of Germany(52 C, 37 F)
Education in Germany(35 C, 1 P, 131 F)
Energy in Germany(19 C, 19 F)
Engineering in Germany(12 C, 2 F)
Explorers from Germany(104 C, 12 F)
Factories in Germany(31 C, 74 F)
Forestry in Germany(42 C, 75 F)
Geodesy in Germany(28 C, 35 F)
Geology of Germany(84 C, 38 F)
Government of Germany(29 C, 4 F)
Hackerspaces in Germany(9 C, 1 P, 5 F)
Helicopters of Germany(32 C, 17 F)
History of Germany(62 C, 16 F)
Hydrology of Germany(15 C, 2 F)
Industry in Germany(38 C, 30 F)
Internet in Germany(11 C, 4 F)
Inventions from Germany(12 C, 6 F)
Inventors from Germany(285 C, 43 F)
Laboratories in Germany(5 C, 55 F)
Life in Germany(11 C)
Lighting in Germany(31 C, 2 F)
Machines in Germany(46 C, 42 F)
Masts in Germany(4 C, 4 F)
Mathematicians from Germany(609 C, 276 F)
Mathematics in Germany(5 C, 1 F)
Measurement in Germany(2 C, 18 F)
Military of Germany(44 C, 1 P, 89 F)
Nature of Germany(62 C, 1 P, 950 F)
Nutrition in Germany(14 C, 12 F)
Objects in Germany(81 C, 4 F)
Objects of Germany(8 C, 5 F)
Organizations of Germany(88 C, 37 F)
Paleontology in Germany(26 C, 7 F)
Physicians from Germany(23 C, 158 F)
Physicists from Germany(468 C, 193 F)
Planet trails in Germany(35 C, 1 P, 38 F)
Politics of Germany(35 C, 29 F)
Products of Germany(64 C, 108 F)
Research in Germany(7 C, 1 F)
Satellites of Germany(10 C, 19 F)
Scholars from Germany(40 C, 8 F)
Science in Germany(26 C, 25 F)
Scientists from Germany(16 C, 21 F)
Space program of Germany(10 C, 3 F)
Statistics of Germany(12 C, 1 P, 105 F)
Steam engines in Germany(13 C, 61 F)
Surveying in Germany(14 C, 16 F)
Technology in Germany(29 C, 4 F)
Telephones in Germany(18 C, 69 F)
Television of Germany(18 C, 28 F)
Tools of Germany(2 C, 2 F)
Transport in Germany(52 C, 17 F)
Vehicles in Germany(44 C, 1 F)
Views of Germany(11 C, 15 F)
Visual arts of Germany(9 C, 1 F)
Weapons of Germany(32 C, 39 F)
Works in Germany(8 C, 2 F)
Culture of Germany(98 C, 1 F)
Archaeology in Germany(34 C, 1 F)
Art of Germany(64 C, 1 P, 131 F)
Atheism in Germany(5 C, 3 F)
Card games of Germany(8 C, 18 F)
Charity in Germany(20 C, 18 F)
Clothing of Germany(40 C, 87 F)
Coal piles in Germany(1 C, 36 F)
Cuisine of Germany(68 C, 32 F)
Culture of the Rhön(1 C, 11 F)
Death in Germany(16 C, 9 F)
Decorations in Germany(13 C, 5 F)
Education in Germany(35 C, 1 P, 131 F)
Entertainment in Germany(22 C, 1 F)
Folklore of Germany(42 C, 24 F)
Germanization(13 C, 4 F)
Heimat(2 C, 11 F)
Holidays in Germany(30 C, 8 F)
Humor in Germany(3 C, 9 F)
Inscriptions in Germany(11 C, 34 F)
Languages of Germany(36 C, 5 F)
Lebensreform(4 C, 10 F)
Leisure in Germany(4 C, 5 F)
Localism in Germany(8 C, 6 F)
Manuscripts in Germany(14 C, 275 F)
Mascots of Germany(23 C, 112 F)
Media of Germany(26 C, 34 F)
Miner's habit(3 C, 29 F)
Money of Germany(18 C, 3 P, 16 F)
Ovens in Germany(8 C, 89 F)
PEN Centre Germany(3 C, 3 F)
Pronunciation of Germany(1 C, 23 F)
Queues in Germany(4 C, 59 F)
Recreation in Germany(12 C, 17 F)
Religion in Germany(43 C, 13 F)
Runestones in Germany(2 C, 14 F)
Schwedenfeuer(30 F)
Schützenverein(30 C, 24 F)
Symbols of Germany(39 C, 12 F)
Toponymy of Germany(5 C, 8 F)
Town twinning in Germany(39 C, 60 F)
Toys in Germany(12 C, 35 F)
Traditions of Germany(40 C, 53 F)
Visual arts of Germany(9 C, 1 F)
Works in Germany(8 C, 2 F)
Zoos in Germany(15 C)
Geography of Germany(44 C, 2 F)
Geocaching in Germany(2 C, 8 F)
Countryside in Germany(2 C, 41 F)
Explorers from Germany(104 C, 12 F)
Fields in Germany(17 C, 153 F)
Forests in Germany(34 C, 199 F)
Geomorphology of Germany(20 C, 4 F)
Hydrography in Germany(4 C, 3 F)
Land use in Germany(14 C, 3 F)
Landscapes of Germany(16 C, 120 F)
Landslides in Germany(7 C, 33 F)
Maps of Germany(14 C, 2 P, 240 F)
Markers in Germany(2 C, 1 F)
Meadows in Germany(6 C, 91 F)
Topography of Germany(10 C, 2 F)
Tripoints in Germany(4 C, 11 F)
Waterfronts in Germany(8 C, 7 F)
Weather and climate of Germany(12 C, 1 P, 21 F)
History of Germany(62 C, 16 F)
History of German(4 C, 2 F)
Archaeology in Germany(34 C, 1 F)
Colonialism of Germany(31 C, 2 P, 80 F)
Deutscher Zollverein(4 C, 29 F)
Events in Germany(104 C, 16 F)
Geleitrecht(3 C, 7 F)
Genealogy in Germany(8 C, 5 F)
Heraldry of Germany(20 C, 18 F)
Inscriptions in Germany(11 C, 34 F)
Land reform in Germany(4 C, 21 F)
Historical societies in Germany(22 C, 2 P, 5 F)
Teutonic Order(25 C, 1 P, 34 F)
Time in Germany(2 C)
West Germany(14 C, 2 F)
Maps of Germany(14 C, 2 P, 240 F)
Nature of Germany(62 C, 1 P, 950 F)
Nature of Germany by year(257 C, 1 P)
Agriculture in Germany(81 C, 250 F)
Algae of Germany(5 C, 23 F)
Animals of Germany(55 C, 6 F)
Astronomy in Germany(22 C, 3 F)
Bogs in Germany(8 C, 21 F)
Chromista in Germany(2 C, 6 F)
Climate of Germany(7 C, 13 F)
Environment of Germany(23 C, 12 F)
Flora of Germany(57 C, 130 F)
Forests in Germany(34 C, 199 F)
Geoparks in Germany(10 C, 7 F)
Landscapes of Germany(16 C, 120 F)
Life in Germany(11 C)
Minerals of Germany(19 C, 21 F)
Moonrises of Germany(1 C, 12 F)
Moonsets of Germany(1 C, 2 F)
Moorlands in Germany(17 C, 13 F)
Reefs of Germany(2 C, 12 F)
Sky over Germany(9 C, 31 F)
Sunrises of Germany(6 C, 76 F)
Sunsets of Germany(11 C, 108 F)
Water in Germany(27 C, 7 F)
Weather and climate of Germany(12 C, 1 P, 21 F)
Objects in Germany(81 C, 4 F)
Antennas in Germany(6 C, 23 F)
Ashtrays in Germany(1 C, 9 F)
Bags in Germany(8 C, 13 F)
Balloons in Germany(4 C, 15 F)
Bird cages in Germany(3 C, 9 F)
Bottles in Germany(5 C, 30 F)
Bricks in Germany(12 C, 51 F)
Cables in Germany(7 C, 7 F)
Candelabras in Germany(6 C, 19 F)
Candles in Germany(16 C, 58 F)
Cannons in Germany(14 C, 130 F)
Chandeliers in Germany(22 C, 39 F)
Coal piles in Germany(1 C, 36 F)
Collections in Germany(11 C, 1 F)
Containers in Germany(33 C, 7 F)
Curtains in Germany(1 C, 3 F)
Display cases in Germany(4 C, 49 F)
Doorbells in Germany(5 C, 5 F)
Fire in Germany(12 C, 46 F)
Firebacks in Germany(1 C, 3 F)
Globes in Germany(11 C, 76 F)
Labels in Germany(2 C, 10 F)
Ovens in Germany(8 C, 89 F)
Padlocks in Germany(2 C, 21 F)
Seesaws in Germany(2 C, 17 F)
Signs in Germany(51 C, 272 F)
Slides in Germany(5 C, 24 F)
Stone spheres in Germany(5 C, 38 F)
Stream gauges in Germany(7 C, 21 F)
Structures in Germany(32 C, 3 F)
Swings in Germany(1 C, 103 F)
Syringes in Germany(1 C, 3 F)
Tools in Germany(18 C, 54 F)
Umbrellas in Germany(7 C, 64 F)
Wires in Germany(2 C, 3 F)
Works in Germany(8 C, 2 F)
Accessibility in Germany(8 C, 24 F)
Ageing in Germany(3 C, 6 F)
Alcoholism in Germany(1 C, 1 F)
Children of Germany(37 C, 521 F)
Demographics of Germany(14 C, 1 P, 57 F)
Economy of Germany(52 C, 37 F)
Groups in Germany(6 C, 1 F)
Health in Germany(29 C, 19 F)
Housing in Germany(20 C, 16 F)
Labour in Germany(17 C, 2 F)
Marriage in Germany(17 C, 24 F)
Nationalism in Germany(14 C, 8 F)
Nudity in Germany(8 C, 2 F)
Organizations of Germany(88 C, 37 F)
People of Germany(55 C, 120 F)
Politics of Germany(35 C, 29 F)
Security in Germany(17 C, 4 F)
Sexuality in Germany(14 C, 17 F)
Solidarity in Germany(5 C, 1 F)
Sports in Germany(31 C, 13 F)
Squats in Germany(6 C, 23 F)
Urban decay in Germany(7 C, 19 F)
Youth in Germany(12 C, 1 F)
German (text)(6 F)
no subcategories
Germany (text)(6 F)
no subcategories
no subcategories