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ATTENTION: Administrators
This page should always remain protected. Please do not remove protection. To stop CommonsDelinker from replacing, place {{stop}} anywhere on the page.


Any sysop may issue a command to the bot by editing the Commands section, below. Use one command per line.

To replace an image:
{{universal replace|old image|new image|reason=give reason here}}

To rename (move) a category:
{{move cat|old category|new category|reason=give reason here|user={{subst:REVISIONUSER}}}}

For more commands, please see the documentation.

Click here to process category move commands immediately.

Note: To avoid drama, CommonsDelinker will ignore a command to replace an image if the new image is svg and the original is not.

The bot cannot operate if either the wmflabs or its MySQL server are down.

If bot is not working you can help by checking if the problem is a wrong syntax. For example [1].

Commands will be removed before processing. Universal replacements will be reported using {{Universally replaced}} after replacement. Edits on Commons can be seen here. Do not complain if your image is not immediately replaced. For the log see the interface on toolslabs.

Please remember to check the status of your listed commands and to remove them if the job is done !


Please note:

  • No controversial name changes. All moves have to follow the language policy. Please do not request name changes that you know may be controversial (this includes, for example, renaming locations into a different local language—even if "that is the official name used there"). Do check file talk pages for objections before requesting a change here. If you wish to request such moves, please add the {{Move}} template to the category pages, or use the Categories for discussion procedure. This allows discussion on the issue to take place and objections—if any—to be made. You may wish to alert other editors to the discussion by leaving a message at the Village Pump.
If you challenge a request added here, please simply remove it and re-paste it below the "Category moves to be discussed" header down this page and add your reason for challenging it. It would also be kind to inform the requester (if signed) and invite them to discuss the requested name change.
  • Adding interwikis. Please include as many interlanguage links (interwikis) as possible in categories to be moved.
  • No replacement of images in other formats with SVGs. To avoid World War III, CommonsDelinker will ignore a command to replace an image if the new image is in an SVG format and the original is not.
  • Updating references to the new category name. It is the duty of the requester of a category move to update all references to the new category name where needed. This part of the task is not automated. (Use the "What links here" tab to find out which categories or pages are still linked to the old category name.)
  • MediaWiki limitation. If you add hundreds of requests at the same time, note that the MediaWiki software isn't able to process thousands of templates correctly for display. Thus, the statement "0 entries moved, 0 to go" may be inaccurate.
  • Bot problem. If the CommonsDelinker bot that carries out the tasks on this page is stuck for too long or you encounter other technical problems, please contact Magnus Manske.


[edit] No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Arronmale.jpg.jpg with File:Arronmale.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: Bot: File renamed: Removing double file extension

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:木島恒喜之墓.jpg with File:来嶋恆喜之墓.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 3 (obvious error)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Sæby, den 24 april 2008, billede 3.jpg with File:Vestergade, Sæby 2008, billede 3.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed:

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Vaguva 2.JPG with File:Šilėnai (Vilnius).jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 3 (obvious error)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Žemieji Karačiūnai 2.JPG with File:Aukštieji Karačiūnai, kryžius.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 3 (obvious error)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Aukštieji Karačiūnai 1.JPG with File:Žemieji Karačiūnai, 2014.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 3 (obvious error)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Stevan Kragujevic (cropped).jpg with File:Ivan Stambolić (cropped).jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 3 (obvious error) · The man in the photo is Ivan Stambolić (Stevan Kragujević is the photographer)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Sæby, den 24 april 2008, billede 14.jpg with File:Algade 7, Sæby 2008, billede 14.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed:

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Sæby, den 24 april 2008, billede 15.jpg with File:Algade 5, Sæby 2008, billede 15.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed:

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Sæby, den 24 april 2008, billede 18.jpg with File:Algade 9, Sæby 2008, billede 18.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed:

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Gloeden, Wilhelm von (1856-1931) - n. 0941 - da - Amore e arte, p. 70.jpg with File:Gloeden, Wilhelm von (1856-1931) - n. 0149 - da - Amore e arte, p. 70.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Gloeden, Wilhelm von (1856-1931) - n. 0545 - 24c - Le tre grazie.jpg with File:Gloeden, Wilhelm von (1856-1931) - n. 0145 - Le tre grazie.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 1 (original uploader’s request)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Wappen Dobbertin.svg with File:DEU Dobbertin COA.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Alentour de la Falaise de Leschaux à Orelle - merisiers en fleurs (Baptiste Chamberod).jpg with File:Alentour de la Falaise de Leschaux à Orelle - merisiers en fleurs.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 1 (original uploader’s request)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Arms of Lord Crewe impaling Bishop of Durham.jpg with File:Arms of Bishop of Durham impaling Crewe.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: description incorrect

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Rick.A2009290.2020.250m.jpg with File:Rick 2009-10-17 2020Z.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Rick.A2009293.2050.250m.jpg with File:Rick 2009-10-20 2050Z.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Hurricane Rick October 18, 2009 MODIS.jpg with File:Rick 2009-10-18 1755Z.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:PvdA–GroenLinks logo.svg with File:GroenLinks–PvdA logo.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 1 (original uploader’s request)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Iran's heritages in Musée du Louvre - 28.jpg with File:Écritoire - 1804-1805 - Hashim Dede - Turquie) (?) - Louvre - AD 7890.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:SZP 5109.jpg with File:Szentgyörgyváry Laura.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Felix 02 sept 2007 1810Z.jpg with File:Felix 2007-09-02 1810Z.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4, following naming guidelines

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Felix 04 sept 2007 1610Z.jpg with File:Felix 2007-09-04 1610Z.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4, following naming guidelines

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Felix 3 sept 2007 1830Z sm.jpg with File:Felix 2007-09-03 1830Z (square).jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4, following naming guidelines

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Felix 3 sept 2007 1830Z.jpg with File:Felix 2007-09-03 1830Z.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4, following naming guidelines

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Felix from ISS 03 sept 2007 1138Z.jpg with File:Felix 2007-09-03 1138Z.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4, following naming guidelines

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Ferdinand Reymond.jpg with File:Joguet & ses fils - Ferdinand Reymond (CdV découper 1870s).jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: full name with author

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Chapelle de la Nativité de la Sainte-Vierge d'Orelle (Bonvillard à Orelle), décoration intérieure, saints.jpg with File:Oratoire Notre Dame de Paradis (Bonvillard à Orelle), décoration intérieure, saints.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 3 (obvious error)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Gedenkstein Hochmeisterplatz (Wilmd) Hochmeisterkirche2.jpg with File:Gedenkstein Hochmeisterplatz (Halsee) Hochmeisterkirche2.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 3 (obvious error) · falscher Ortsteil

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Hettich-Walz L. – Biathlon 2023 Nove Mesto 8229.jpg with File:Hettich-Walz J. – Biathlon 2023 Nove Mesto 8229.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: correct name of this athlete

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Musée du Louvre Darafsh (333).jpg with File:Giovanni Battista Foggini - Sanglier, MR 2779 (333).jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Musée du Louvre Darafsh (334).jpg with File:Cérès et le lézard, MR 1909 (334).jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A13.svg with File:RO road sign A13.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A14.svg with File:RO road sign A14.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A15.svg with File:RO road sign A15.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A23.svg with File:RO road sign A23.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A21.svg with File:RO road sign A21.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A16.svg with File:RO road sign A16.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A17.svg with File:RO road sign A17.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A18.svg with File:RO road sign A18.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A19.svg with File:RO road sign A19.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A22.svg with File:RO road sign A22.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A24.svg with File:RO road sign A24.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A25.svg with File:RO road sign A25.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A26.svg with File:RO road sign A26.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A27.svg with File:RO road sign A27.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A28.svg with File:RO road sign A28.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A29.svg with File:RO road sign A29.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A31.svg with File:RO road sign A31.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A32.svg with File:RO road sign A32.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:DJI 0009-2.jpg with File:Αλεποχώρι Λακωνίας DJI 0009-2.jpg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 2

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:COA 2nd Baron Grey of Wilton.svg with File:Arms of Grey of Rotherfield.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Erroneous

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A34.svg with File:RO road sign A34.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A35.svg with File:RO road sign A35.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:John de Grey, 1st Baron Grey de Rotherfield Arms.svg with File:Arms of Grey of Ruthin, Denbighshire.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Incorrect identification

No such replacement file:

CommonsDelinker: Replace File:Romania road sign A42.svg with File:RO road sign A42.svg across all Wikimedia projects. Reason: File renamed: Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set)