Category:Church of the Saviour on the Blood
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This is a category about a cultural heritage object in Russia, number: 7810507000
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This template and pages using it are maintained by the Russian WLM team. Please read the guidelines before making any changes that can affect the monuments database! |
Title: | Собор Воскресения Христова ('Спас на крови') | |
Place: | Санкт-Петербург, набережная канала Грибоедова, 2Б | |
Built: | 1883-1907 гг., арх.-худ. А.А. Парланд, худ.-мозаичист А.А. Фролов, мозаичист В.А. Фролов, худ. В.М. Васнецов, худ. М.В. Нестеров | |
Approved: | Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации "О перечне объектов исторического и культурного наследия федерального (общероссийского) значения, находящихся в г.Санкт-Петербурге" № 527 от 10.07.2001 |
English: The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood (Russian: Khram Spasa na Krovi) is one of the main sights of St. Petersburg, Russia. It is also variously called the Church on Spilt Blood and the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Russian: Собор Воскресения Христова), its official name. The name refers to the blood of Tsar Alexander II of Russia, who was assassinated on that site in 1881.
Русский: Собо́р Воскресе́ния Христо́ва на Крови́, Храм Спа́са-на-Крови́ в Санкт-Петербурге — православный мемориальный однопрестольный храм во имя Воскресения Христова, сооружён в память того, что на этом месте 1 марта 1881 года в результате покушения был смертельно ранен Царь-Освободитель — император Александр II (выражение на крови указывает на кровь царя). Храм был сооружен как памятник Царю-Мученику на средства, собранные по всей России.
Church of the Saviour on the Blood |
Afrikaans: Die Kerk van die Verlosser op Bloed ( Russies: Храм Спаса на Крови) is een van die belangrikste besienswaardighede in Sint Petersburg, Rusland. Dit word ook genoem die Kerk op Gestorte Bloed en die Katedraal van die Wederopstanding van Christus (Собор Воскресения Христова), sy amptelike naam. Die naam verwys na die bloed van tsaar Aleksander II wat op 13 Maart (ou styl: 1 Maart) 1881 daar gesterf het in ’n sluipmoordaanval.
Español: La Iglesia del Salvador sobre la sangre derramada o Iglesia de la Resurrección de Cristo (en ruso:Храм Спаса на Крови) es una iglesia de San Petersburgo, situada en la orilla del canal Gribaedova cerca del parque del Museo Ruso y de la Avenida Nevskij. El nombre oficial en ruso es Собор Воскресения Христова, que significa Catedral de la resurrección de Cristo, y fue construida sobre el lugar donde el zar Alejandro II de Rusia fue asesinado, víctima de un atentado el 13 de marzo de 1881 (1 de marzo para el calendario juliano, en vigor en esa época).
Suomi: Kristuksen ylösnousemuksen katedraali (, "Kirkko veren päällä") on Pietarissa sijaitseva ortodoksinen kirkkorakennus. Kirkko rakennettiin Aleksanteri III:n käskystä vuosina 1883–1907 Gribojedovin kanavan varrelle paikalle, jolla hänen isänsä ja edeltäjänsä Aleksanteri II murhattiin vuonna 1881. Uusbysanttilaista tyyliä edustavan, arkkitehti Alfred Parlandin suunnitteleman kirkon arkkitehtonisena esikuvana oli Moskovan kuuluisa Pyhän Vasilin katedraali.
Italiano: La chiesa del Salvatore sul Sangue Versato è una chiesa di San Pietroburgo, che sorge sulla riva del canale Gribaedova e vicino al parco Michailovksij del Museo Russo, non lontano dalla Prospettiva Nevskij. Il nome ufficiale in russo è Собор Воскресения Христова, cioè cattedrale della Resurrezione di Cristo, e fu eretta sul luogo dove venne ucciso lo zar Alessandro II di Russia, vittima di un attentato il 13 marzo 1881 (il 1 marzo per il calendario giuliano allora in vigore).
한국어: 피흘리신 구세주 교회 이다. 한국어로는 '피의 사원'으로 불리기도 하는데, 피의 사원에서 '피'는 1881년 이곳에서 암살당한 러시아의 차르 알렉산드르 2세의 피를 가리킨다. 러시아 상트페테르부르크에 위치한 성당으로 관광 명소 중의 하나이기도 하다.
Lietuvių: Prisikėlimo bažnyčia, taip pat vadinama Atpirkėjo, Atpirkėjo krauju (rusiškai Спас на крови) bažnyčia, yra katedra Sankt Peterburge. Bažnyčia pastatyta Maskvos Vasiliajaus katedros pavyzdžiu, vadinamuoju "Naujuoju stiliumi" ir yra vienintelis pastatas Peterburgo centre, kuris nėra orientuotas į itališkąją ir klasicistinę architektūrą. Pastatyta tarp 1883 ir 1912 m. vietoje kurioje per pasikėsinimą 1881 m. kovo 13 d. (kovo 1 d. pagal Julijaus kalendorių) buvo mirtinai sužeistas Aleksandras II-asis.
Македонски: Храмот на Исусовото вознесение ( руски : Храм Спаса на Крови ) е црква која се наоѓа во Санкт Петербург, Русија. Изградбата на црквата започнала во времето на Александар III во 1883 година а била довршена во времето на Николај II во 1907 година. Храмот спаѓа во склопот на Руската Православна црква.
Nederlands: Kerk van de Verlosser op het Bloed (Russisch: Храм Спаса на Крови, Chram Spasa na Krovi) is een Russisch-orthodoxe kerk in Sint-Petersburg, gelegen aan het Gribojedovkanaal.
Polski: Sobór Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego, Cerkiew na Krwi (ros. храм Воскресения Христова, Храм Спаса на Крови) - sobór wzniesiony w Sankt-Petersburgu nad Kanałem Gribojedowa.
Türkçe: Voskresenia Khristova Kilisesi, inşaatı 1883 tarihinde başlayıp, 1907 yılında tamamlanmış, St.Petersburg'da bulunan "Ortodoks Kilisesi"dir. Rus Çarı III.Alexander döneminde inşaatına başlandı, II.Nikolay döneminde tamamlandı. III.Alexander, bu kiliseyi babası II. Alexander anısına yaptırdı. İnşaatı esnasında, ekonomik nedenler ile çoğu kez aksamıştır. Bu nedenle yapılırken halktan, bağış bile alınmıştır. Bu nedenle, yapımı 24 yıla kadar uzamıştır.
cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia | |||||
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Media in category "Church of the Saviour on the Blood"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 380 total.
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"00 1612 Church of the Saviour on the Blood in St. Petersburg (Russia).jpg 3,084 × 2,400; 6.56 MB
"Le sang verse" la nuit (6988407893).jpg 2,736 × 3,648; 3.03 MB
"Спас на крови" (Собор Воскресения Христова).jpg 3,514 × 2,327; 9.13 MB
"Спас на крови", освещенный лучами солнца.jpg 2,224 × 3,092; 1.96 MB
"Спас на Крови".jpg 1,296 × 1,936; 676 KB
"Спас на крови2"234612346.jpg 1,784 × 1,176; 774 KB
00 2024 Church of the Saviour on the Blood in St. Petersburg (Russia).jpg 2,333 × 3,500; 7.48 MB
00 4616 St. Petersburg - Church of the Saviour on the Blood.jpg 2,000 × 3,000; 5.58 MB
00 5024 Sankt Petersburg - Auferstehungskirche.jpg 1,600 × 2,400; 3.94 MB
1211. St. Petersburg. Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ.jpg 4,927 × 3,263; 5.01 MB
20130731 151957 оригинал.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 1.38 MB
2020-03-26 - Church of the Saviour on the Blood - Photo 2.jpg 3,120 × 4,160; 5.56 MB
2nd Sadoviy bridge part with the Church of the Savior on Blood.jpg 1,020 × 1,536; 519 KB
800px-Istokmoiki.jpg 800 × 600; 80 KB
Aerial view of Mikhailovsky Garden.jpg 2,838 × 1,119; 2.59 MB
Auferstehungskirche (Sankt Petersburg).JPG 3,984 × 3,869; 2.57 MB
Auferstehungskirche St Petersburg.JPG 1,920 × 2,560; 959 KB
Auferstehungskirche St Petersburg2.JPG 1,920 × 2,560; 1.31 MB
Auferstehungskirche St. Petersburg.jpg 2,736 × 3,648; 3.69 MB
Auferstehungskirche683.jpg 3,220 × 4,412; 4.57 MB
Blutskirche, St. Petersburg - panoramio.jpg 2,600 × 1,952; 5.36 MB
Catedral da Resurrección de Cristo de San Petersburgo.jpg 5,100 × 3,400; 11.18 MB
Cathedral of the sacred heart of spilled blood 02 (4081962271).jpg 1,886 × 2,387; 601 KB
Cathedrale de la Resurrection sur le sang versé.jpg 2,472 × 2,479; 2.38 MB
Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur-sur-le-Sang-Versé (2).jpg 4,288 × 3,216; 1.08 MB
Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur-sur-le-Sang-Versé (3).jpg 3,216 × 4,288; 1.07 MB
Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur-sur-le-Sang-Versé (4).jpg 3,216 × 4,288; 2.35 MB
Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur-sur-le-Sang-Versé (5).jpg 4,288 × 3,216; 1.3 MB
Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur-sur-le-Sang-Versé (9).jpg 3,216 × 4,288; 689 KB
Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur-sur-le-Sang-Versé et le canal Griboïedov.jpg 3,216 × 4,288; 845 KB
Chiesa del Salvatore sul Sangue Versato 01.jpg 870 × 575; 85 KB
Chiesa del Salvatore sul Sangue Versato 03.jpg 1,177 × 1,451; 179 KB
Chiesa del sangue versato.JPG 1,728 × 1,900; 533 KB
Chrám zmrtvýchvstání Ježíše Krista (5).jpg 2,112 × 2,816; 1.78 MB
Chrám zmrtvýchvstání Ježíše Krista (6).jpg 2,112 × 2,816; 1.72 MB
Chrám zmrtvýchvstání Ježíše Krista.jpg 2,112 × 2,816; 1.7 MB
Church of the Savior in the blood - panoramio.jpg 2,661 × 5,219; 6.22 MB
Church of the Savior on Blood - panoramio.jpg 2,048 × 1,366; 290 KB
Church of the Savior on Blood - Церковь Спаса на Крови - panoramio (1).jpg 3,240 × 4,320; 4.63 MB
Church of the Savior on Blood 1.jpg 1,932 × 2,766; 2.14 MB
Church of the Savior on Blood in Saint PetersburgDSCN0708.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 1.71 MB
Church of the Savior on Blood in water.jpg 5,305 × 3,373; 10.26 MB
Church of the Savior on Blood.jpg 960 × 720; 102 KB
Church of the Savior on Blood3.JPG 2,304 × 1,728; 1.68 MB
Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, 1883 and later, St. Petersburg (1) (37044255631).jpg 5,990 × 3,984; 11.75 MB
Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, 1883 and later, St. Petersburg (53) (37186062285).jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 12.2 MB
Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, St.-Petersberg, Russia (1).JPG 3,000 × 4,000; 2.73 MB
Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, St.-Petersberg, Russia (20).JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 2.17 MB
Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, St.-Petersberg, Russia.JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 2.48 MB
Church of the Saviour on Blood.jpg 716 × 1,000; 515 KB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood 02.JPG 2,816 × 2,112; 1.33 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood 04.JPG 2,816 × 2,112; 1.56 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood 2010-04-24.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 920 KB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood IMG 3236.JPG 3,456 × 5,184; 5.72 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood IMG 3237.JPG 3,456 × 5,184; 5.91 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood IMG 3401.JPG 3,456 × 5,184; 8.08 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood IMG 3402.JPG 3,456 × 5,184; 8.16 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood IMG 3403.JPG 3,456 × 5,184; 6.17 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood IMG 7390.JPG 2,736 × 3,648; 4.7 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood IMG 7612.JPG 2,736 × 3,648; 3.56 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood in Saint PeterburgDSCN0703.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 1.12 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood in Saint PeterburgDSCN0707.JPG 2,470 × 1,768; 1.61 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood in Saint PeterburgrussiaDSCN0704.JPG 1,948 × 1,856; 1.47 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood pic1.JPG 4,608 × 3,456; 7.11 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood pic2.JPG 4,608 × 3,456; 6.85 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood pic3.JPG 3,456 × 4,608; 3.58 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood pic4.JPG 3,456 × 4,608; 3.37 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood SPB (02).jpg 5,759 × 3,839; 13.92 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood SPb.JPG 2,848 × 4,288; 6.32 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood St. Petersburg.jpg 1,712 × 2,288; 645 KB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood, July 2004 01.jpg 4,416 × 6,904; 16.69 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood, July 2004 02.jpg 4,428 × 6,829; 17.1 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood, July 2004 03.jpg 4,416 × 6,857; 3.32 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood, St Petersburg (2012-08-17, black-and-white).jpg 3,456 × 4,608; 5.92 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood-st. Petersburg-3.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 2.06 MB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood-st. Petersburg-4.jpg 1,362 × 1,717; 642 KB
Church of the Saviour on the Blood-st. Petersburg.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 6.72 MB
Church of the Saviour on the BloodDSCN0709.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 1.69 MB
Church of the Saviour on the BloodrussiaDSCN0701.JPG 1,248 × 914; 575 KB
Church of the Saviour on the BloodrussiaDSCN0701DSCN0702.JPG 1,174 × 906; 407 KB
Church of the spilled blood - panoramio.jpg 1,280 × 960; 204 KB
Church on spilled blood 02.jpg 1,333 × 2,000; 3.28 MB
Church on Spilt Blood - panoramio.jpg 5,722 × 3,814; 14.85 MB
Churchof the Savior on Blood.JPG 2,664 × 4,000; 2.61 MB
Cпас на крови.jpg 2,736 × 3,648; 4.22 MB
Iglesia de la Sangre Derramada.JPG 2,336 × 3,504; 2.56 MB
Iglesia del Salvador sobre la sangre derramada - panoramio (2).jpg 3,648 × 2,432; 1.74 MB
Iglesia del Salvador sobre la sangre derramada - panoramio.jpg 2,432 × 3,648; 1.89 MB
Iglesia del Salvador sobre la sangre derramada, 2016 04.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.64 MB
Iglesia del Salvador sobre la sangre derramada, 2016 05.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.58 MB
Iglesia del Salvador sobre la sangre derramada, 2016 12.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 4.68 MB
Iglesia del Salvador sobre la sangre derramada, 2016 15.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.84 MB
Iglesia del Salvador sobre la sangre derramada, 2016 22.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.84 MB
Iglesia del Salvador sobre la sangre derramada, San Petersburgo, Rusia 01.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 1.27 MB
Iglesia del Salvador sobre la sangre derramada, San Petersburgo, Rusia 04.JPG 1,944 × 2,592; 1.23 MB
Kristuksen ylösnousemuksen katedraaliDSCN0710.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 1.88 MB
La cathédrale Saint-Sauveur-sur-le-Sang-Versé de Saint-Pétersbourg (2).jpg 3,264 × 4,912; 14.14 MB
Mariage near spas na krovi.jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 1.45 MB
Meeting in St.-Pet. on 12Jun2012, photo 13.jpg 2,160 × 2,880; 1.27 MB
Meeting in St.-Pet. on 12Jun2012, photo 29.jpg 2,160 × 2,880; 1.31 MB
Meeting in St.-Pet. on 12Jun2012, photo 34.jpg 2,880 × 2,160; 1.25 MB
Meeting in St.-Pet. on 12Jun2012, photo 37.jpg 2,160 × 2,880; 988 KB
Meeting in St.-Pet. on 12Jun2012, photo 50.jpg 2,880 × 2,160; 1.38 MB
Meeting in St.-Pet. on 12Jun2012, photo 55.jpg 2,880 × 2,160; 1.51 MB
Meeting in St.-Pet. on 12Jun2012, photo 59.jpg 2,880 × 2,160; 1.56 MB
Meeting in St.-Pet. on 12Jun2012, photo 60.jpg 2,160 × 2,880; 1.33 MB
Moika River near Second Garden bridge SPB.jpg 4,898 × 3,218; 10.44 MB
Peter Paul.jpg 2,816 × 2,112; 1.32 MB
Photo-Impressions-Magic Sankt Saint Petersburg - Blutkirche.jpg 1,318 × 880; 707 KB
Prisikėlimo bažnyčia Peterburge.jpg 2,146 × 2,906; 3.42 MB
Russia 2402 (4100498929).jpg 2,848 × 4,288; 9.5 MB
Russia 2404 (4100501643).jpg 2,848 × 4,288; 8.54 MB
Russia 2410 (4100506025).jpg 2,848 × 4,288; 6.88 MB
Russia 2415 - Church of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (4101267314).jpg 2,848 × 4,288; 6.74 MB
Russia1993 47.jpg 1,680 × 2,520; 1.51 MB
Saint Petersburg - panoramio (5).jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 5.65 MB
Saint Petersburg 2009 tourist pictures 0002.jpg 3,845 × 4,217; 2.58 MB
Saint Petersburg 2009 tourist pictures 0061.JPG 4,272 × 2,848; 5.23 MB
Saint Petersburg 2009 tourist pictures 0067.JPG 2,848 × 4,272; 4.52 MB
Saint Petersburg 2009 tourist pictures 0068.JPG 2,848 × 4,272; 4.39 MB
Saint Petersburg 2009 tourist pictures 0069.JPG 2,848 × 4,272; 4.65 MB
Saint Petersburg 2009 tourist pictures 0071.JPG 4,272 × 2,848; 5.18 MB
Saint Petersburg S Church Of Spilled Blood (156589457).jpeg 1,536 × 2,048; 1.02 MB
Saint Petersburg, church.jpg 2,160 × 2,880; 2.48 MB
Saint-Pétersbourg - 2015-12-12 - IMG 2808.jpg 4,588 × 3,059; 2.13 MB
Saint-Pétersbourg - 2015-12-12 - IMG 2812.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 3.18 MB
Saint-Pétersbourg - 2015-12-12 - IMG 2813.jpg 3,456 × 5,184; 3.33 MB
Saint-Pétersbourg - 2015-12-12 - IMG 2814.jpg 3,456 × 5,184; 3.72 MB
Saint-Pétersbourg - 2015-12-12 - IMG 2815.jpg 3,187 × 4,780; 2.46 MB
Saint-Pétersbourg - 2015-12-12 - IMG 2816.jpg 3,456 × 5,184; 2.55 MB
Saint-Pétersbourg - 2015-12-12 - IMG 2817.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 2.45 MB
Saint-Pétersbourg - 2015-12-12 - IMG 2819.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 3.12 MB
San Petersburgo, panorámicas (2006) 04.jpg 5,412 × 2,084; 7.56 MB
San Pietroburgo-Chiesa del Salvatore sul Sangue Versato 2.jpg 1,944 × 2,592; 2.29 MB
San Pietroburgo-Chiesa del Salvatore sul Sangue Versato 7.jpg 1,944 × 2,592; 2.09 MB
SangVerse1.JPG 4,320 × 3,240; 5.69 MB
Sangversé2.JPG 3,240 × 4,320; 4.56 MB
Sankt Petersburg-Blutkirche 2.jpg 1,536 × 2,048; 783 KB
Savior on blood from canal.jpg 1,512 × 2,034; 629 KB
Savior on Blood.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 2.62 MB
Savior on th spilled blood (32667926772).jpg 5,424 × 3,616; 7.47 MB
Savior on the Blood Cathedral in Saint Petersburg.gif 1,000 × 1,504; 905 KB
Savior on the Spilled Blood Cathedral, St Petersburg, Russia - panoramio.jpg 2,304 × 3,072; 1.37 MB
Savior on the Spilled Blood, St. Petersburg 2021.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.97 MB
Savior on the Spilled Blood. Saint Petersburg. April 2014 - panoramio.jpg 4,272 × 2,848; 4.33 MB
Spas na krovi 1883—1907 - panoramio.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 4.91 MB
Spas otrazenie.JPG 1,600 × 1,200; 582 KB
Spas.JPG 3,000 × 4,000; 2.39 MB
Spas02.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 3.25 MB
Spasa na krovi 1.JPG 3,264 × 4,928; 5.79 MB
Spasa na krovi 2.JPG 3,264 × 4,928; 8.12 MB
Spasa na krovi 3.JPG 4,928 × 3,264; 7.74 MB
Spasofblood.jpg 1,200 × 1,600; 403 KB
Spb 06-2012 Saviour on the Blood.jpg 2,022 × 2,746; 3.2 MB
Spb 06-2017 img47 Church on the Blood.jpg 4,324 × 2,883; 5.7 MB
Spb April 2020 02.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 5.24 MB
SPb SaviourOntheBlood3p.jpg 2,510 × 2,350; 4.48 MB
Spilled-blood-1 (246239585).jpg 2,304 × 3,072; 3.03 MB
Spilled-blood-2 (246239588).jpg 2,304 × 3,072; 3.6 MB
Spilled-blood-3 (246239591).jpg 2,304 × 3,072; 3.48 MB
Spilled-blood-4 (246239595).jpg 2,304 × 3,072; 3.02 MB
St petersburg (3620333881).jpg 881 × 1,280; 261 KB
St Petersburg Church of the Savior on Blood.jpg 1,536 × 1,024; 389 KB
St Sauveur sur le Sang Versé.JPG 4,320 × 3,240; 2.44 MB
St. Petersburg (8384138590).jpg 1,800 × 2,700; 1.88 MB
St. Petersburg (8384138984).jpg 2,700 × 1,800; 1.61 MB
St. Petersburg (8384139184).jpg 1,800 × 2,700; 1.89 MB
St. Petersburg - Church of the Resurrection.jpg 612 × 800; 306 KB
St. Petersburg - Church of the Savior on Blood - Церковь Спаса на Крови - panoramio (2).jpg 4,124 × 3,240; 3.28 MB
St. Petersburg - Church of the Savior on Blood - Церковь Спаса на Крови - panoramio.jpg 3,197 × 4,283; 6.25 MB
St. Petersburg - Spires in St. Petersburg - Шпили в Санкт-Петербурге - panoramio.jpg 4,320 × 3,240; 10.88 MB
St. Petersburg - Wedding before the Blood Church - Свадебный до крови церкви - panoramio.jpg 3,240 × 4,320; 4.68 MB
St. Petersburg Church.jpg 3,456 × 5,184; 11.84 MB
StPetersburgBlutkirche2008Video.ogv 3 min 12 s, 392 × 294; 18.66 MB
SV6.JPG 3,240 × 4,320; 5.58 MB
SV8.JPG 3,240 × 4,320; 5.44 MB
SV9.JPG 4,320 × 3,240; 5.84 MB
That monkey is a clever theif 4891201889.jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 7.05 MB
The Cathedral of the Resurrection (of Spilt blood) 5.jpg 851 × 1,280; 233 KB
The Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood - panoramio (2).jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 3.15 MB
The Church of Our Savior on the Spilled Blood - panoramio.jpg 1,944 × 2,592; 2.38 MB
The Church of Spilled Blood (291697523).jpg 1,007 × 1,520; 1.2 MB
The Spilled Blood Cathedral (291701150).jpg 1,520 × 1,007; 1.46 MB
Tsentralny District, St Petersburg, Russia - panoramio (292).jpg 2,048 × 1,150; 454 KB
Tsentralny District, St Petersburg, Russia - panoramio (30).jpg 3,000 × 3,182; 5.23 MB
Tsentralny District, St Petersburg, Russia - panoramio (305).jpg 2,784 × 4,176; 4.14 MB
Tsentralny District, St Petersburg, Russia - panoramio (345).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 1.17 MB
Tsentralny District, St Petersburg, Russia - panoramio (348).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 1.42 MB
Tsentralny District, St Petersburg, Russia - panoramio (357).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 3.16 MB
Tsentralny District, St Petersburg, Russia - panoramio (358).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 3.25 MB
Tsentralny District, St Petersburg, Russia - panoramio (359).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 3.31 MB
Tsentralny District, St Petersburg, Russia - panoramio (360).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 3.23 MB
Tsentralny District, St Petersburg, Russia - panoramio (361).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 1.85 MB
Tsentralny District, St Petersburg, Russia - panoramio (38).jpg 3,489 × 4,156; 6.67 MB
Tsentralny District, St Petersburg, Russia - panoramio (40).jpg 3,527 × 5,115; 14.4 MB
- Cultural heritage monuments in Tsentralny District, Saint Petersburg
- Griboedov Canal Embankment
- Konyushennaya Square
- Russian Revival architecture in Saint Petersburg
- Alfred Parland
- Churches of the Resurrection of Christ in Russia
- Russian Orthodox churches in Tsentralny District of Saint Petersburg
- Museums in Saint Petersburg
- Churches in Russia built in 1907
- Museums in Russia by name
- Alexander II of Russia's death
- Memorial churches in Russia
- Tsaritsynsky Passage
- Gold-colored cupolas
- 93-meter-tall buildings in Russia
- Built in Saint Petersburg in 1907