Category:Church of Saint Francis, Quito

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<nowiki>iglesia de San Francisco; كنيسه و دير القديس فرنسيس; Kostel a klášter svatého Františka; Basilika St. Franziskus; San-Fransiskodagi Bazilika va monastir, Kito; Church of Saint Francis; کلیسای سنت فرانسیس، کیتو; 圣方济各堂; chiesa di San Francesco; chiesa cattolica in Quito, Ecuador; edificio religioso en Quito, Ecuador; Kirche in Ecuador; náboženská stavba v Ekvádoru; church building in Quito, Ecuador; كنيسة في الإكوادور; 厄瓜多尔首都基多的一座天主教教堂; kerkgebouw in Ecuador; Complejo religioso de San Francisco (Quito); Iglesia y convento de San Francisco (Quito)</nowiki>
Church of Saint Francis 
church building in Quito, Ecuador
Kostel a klášter sv. Františka v Quitu
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Instance of
Named after
LocationQuito, Quito Metro, Pichincha, EC
Architectural style
  • Jodoco Ricke
  • 1535
End time
  • 1650
Religion or worldview
Map0° 13′ 13″ S, 78° 30′ 56″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q5116751
GND ID: 4570184-2
Library of Congress authority ID: n86004476
NL CR AUT ID: ko2017937951
OpenStreetMap way ID: 159408371
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The Iglesia de San Francisco is one of the biggest in the Historic Center of Quito is the best-preserved, least altered historic centre in Latin America. An area that stretches over 790 acres with 130 monumental buildings, over 5,000 smaller properties and numerous 500 year old Churches and Convents. The Historic Center of Quito is a a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was constructed on what was once a 16th century Inca city at an altitude of 2,850 metres in the Andes.

Media in category "Church of Saint Francis, Quito"

The following 110 files are in this category, out of 110 total.