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- ! for i
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- "*" for "×"
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- " watching you!"
- "1000 Gestalten" – art action at 2017 G20 Hamburg summit
- "1941-1945-ci illər Böyük Vətən müharibəsində qələbənin 20 illiyi" yubiley medalı
- "1941-1945-ci illər Böyük Vətən müharibəsində qələbənin 30 illiyi" yubiley medalı
- "1941-1945-ci illər Böyük Vətən müharibəsində qələbənin 40 illiyi" yubiley medalı
- "1974 State Visit to the USSR" photo kit at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
- "1975 State Visit to China" photo kit at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
- "1976 Campaign" photo kit at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
- "1976 Lebanon Evacuation" photo kit at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
- "2002"; childlife one hundred years from now (1902)
- "4" standing for "for"
- "52 to 71" mural
- "A" Riding Monument, Adaminaby
- "A" station of the Omega Navigation System
- "A. Pepanos" swimming pool
- "A King Offers to Make Amends to a Bereaved Mother", Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Amir Khusrau Dihlavi
- "A Muslim Pilgrim Learns a Lesson in Piety from a Brahman", Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Amir Khusrau Dihlavi
- "A Prisoner at Andersonville" essay for English V by Sarah (Sallie) M. Field, Abbot Academy, class of 1904
- "A Youth Fallen From a Tree", Folio from the Shah Jahan Album (MET
- "A decent story", by James Gillray
- "A woman from Karabakh" monument in Yerevan
- "Abbey" Church, North Berwick
- "Abstrakte Komposition" by Johannes Wanke
- "Abstrakter Brunnen" von Wander Bertoni, Vienna
- "Abu Bakr" medallion in Hagia Sophia
- "Ac" standing for actinium
- "Aerovíkend 2010" airshow (4 September 2010) at the Museum of Aviation (Košice)
- "Afghanistan, 2008", opening of the photo exhibition/«Афганистан, год 2008-й», открытие фотовыставки
- "Ag" standing for silver
- "Agriculture Générale", de l'"Encyclopédie Agricole"
- "Agriculture Générale" (Le Sol et les labours), de l'"Encyclopédie Agricole"
- "Akbar With Lion and Calf", Folio from the Shah Jahan Album (MET
- "Aktaion" pastry shop
- "Al" standing for aluminium
- "Aleksandr Nevsky brotherhood" retirement home
- "Alexander Visits the Sage Plato in his Mountain Cave", Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Amir Khusrau Dihlavi
- "Alexandru and Aristia Aman" County Library, Craiova
- "Ali" medallion in Hagia Sophia
- "Allah" medallion in Hagia Sophia
- "Allusion to Sura 27:16", Folio from a Mantiq al-tair (Language of the Birds)
- "Alte Wache" (Tierpark Berlin)
- "Alter Kehlhof", Märstetten
- "Am" standing for americium
- "Am Viadukt", Basel
- "Andrà tutto bene" rainbows, COVID-19
- "Anfiteatro" in the garden of Palazzo Borromeo (Isola Bella)
- "Ang Beterano ng Bayang Bulakan" Bulacan Veterans Post, Veterans Federation of the Philippines - Camino Real, San Jose, Bulakan, Bulacan
- "Anonymous Baghdad Qur'an"
- "Anton Chekhov" National Theater of Chișinău
- "Antonio de Escaño" School of Specialties
- "Apotheose des heiligen Johannes von Nepomuk", Unteres Belvedere
- "Ar" standing for argon
- "Arcadia" art gallery (Pașcani)
- "Archéologie aérienne"
- "Artigas" en Plaza Artigas (Salto)
- "As" standing for arsenic
- "As One Having Authority" (1892, Bunner)
- "As we see 'em," a volume of cartoons and caricatures of Los Angeles citizens
- "As you were" (1919)
- "At" standing for astatine
- "Atlas o La Cabeza del Mago"
- "Au" standing for gold
- "Ausgestochene Marter" wayside shrine
- "Azəristiliktəchizat" ASC
- "Azərişıq" ASC
- "B" standing for boron
- "B" station of the Omega Navigation System
- "BMA" Park (V. F. P., Calumpit Post, WWII - November 26, 1977)
- "Ba" standing for barium
- "Back to Our Roots" in Nebraska (May 2019)
- "Bahram Gur Sees a Herd of Deer Mesmerized by Dilaram' s Music", Folio from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Amir Khusrau Dihlavi
- "Bario de Pila 1873" Bell, Rectory and Plaza (Exterior of Our Lady of the Pillar Parish Church, Santa Maria, Pangasinan)
- "Basics of fine-art photography" textbook presentation/Презентация учебника «Азы фотоискусства»
- "Battle" of Adams Hill
- "Be" standing for beryllium
- "Beer in Bavaria" exhibition (2016)
- "Before" images of Mount Dennis Station
- "Before" images of stations on Line 5 Eglinton
- "Belarusian" Gothic in Lithuania
- "Between two hills" permanent exhibition
- "Beyond Broadcasting" Walk of Fame - GMA Network Center
- "Bh" standing for bohrium
- "Bi" standing for bismuth
- "Big Bowl" ( A Crow Chief)
- "Bioagra" plant in Goświnowice
- "Bk" standing for berkelium
- "Blagovest" satellite
- "Blasts" from The Ram's Horn (1902)
- "Blutsmarter" wayside shrine (Volkach)
- "Boottocht" (Prinses Beatrixsluis)
- "Boston Strong" displays at Boston Marathons subsequent to 2013
- "Boston Strong" displays at the 2013 World Series victory parade
- "Boston Strong" in Fenway Park outfield
- "Boyi Cup" Sino-Russian International Challenge Competition of Kakuto Ju-jutsu
- "Br" standing for bromine
- "Breaching a path"
- "Buck Private" McCollum
- "Bärenbrunnen" von Franz Barwig dem Jüngeren, Dr.-Karl-Landsteiner-Park, Vienna
- "Büdingen wehrt sich"
- "Bătușari" church of the Presentation of Virgin Mary in Curtea de Argeș
- "Błaszkowianka"
- "C" standing for carbon
- "C" station of the Omega Navigation System
- "Ca" standing for calcium
- "Cadeia da Legalidade" (Legality Chain) 1961
- "Caring Hands", Giles Shirley Hall
- "Carmen Sylva" Highschool, Timișoara
- "Carol I" elementary school in Curtea de Argeș
- "Cd" standing for cadmium
- "Ce" standing for cerium
- "Centaur"; or the "Turn out"
- "Centaur" - or The "turn out," a practical treatise on the (humane) management of horses, either in harness, saddle, or stable; with hints respecting the harness-room, coach-house, &c. (1878)
- "Centaur" - or The "turn out," a practical treatise on the (humane) management of horses, either in harness, saddle, or stable; with hints respecting the harness-room, coach-house, &c (1885)
- "Cf" standing for californium
- "Charivni Duby" Quercus
- "Chelyabi" carpets
- "Chinese Lowestoft" porcelain
- "Chiquilín" García
- "Christ was Born on Christmas Day"
- "Chuck Norris facts"-related images
- "Château de Théoule"
- "Circul" relief on Chișinău Circus
- "Cisco Kid" props
- "Ciudadano" en Plaza Artigas (Salto)
- "Ciência Conectada MCTIC"
- "Cl" standing for chlorine
- "Cm" standing for curium
- "Co" standing for cobalt
- "Cockfight chair" Reading Chair, ca. 1720–30
- "Cola" - Spettacolo della nuova commedia dell'arte 10 06 2022
- "Comment exploiter un domaine agricole", de l'"Encyclopédie Agricole"
- "Commerce" statue, Liverpool
- "Concurso Escuelas Argentinas"
- "Constantin Diaconovici Loga" Highschool, Timișoara
- "Constructions rurales", de l'"Encyclopédie Agricole"
- "Covorul vieții" mosaic in Ungheni
- "Cr" standing for chromium
- "Cs" standing for caesium
- "Cu" standing for copper
- "Cursed" cemetery in Lehliu, Călărași
- "CↃ" or "ↃC" for "CC"
- "D" Sandstone
- "DEP" for "Descanse en paz"
- "DNA DL90" sculpture (Abigail Fallis)
- "Dagon" as a fish
- "Dame Curtsey's" Book of Guessing Contests
- "Dancing Dervishes", Folio from a Divan of Hafiz
- "Dancing Dervishes", Folio from the Shah Jahan Album (MET
- "Danger of death" electricity warning signs
- "Danger of death" electricity warning signs (black lightning in yellow triangle)
- "Dapit" (December 7 Pistang Bayan 2016, Malolos Cathedral)
- "Dardanelles", Polkemmet
- "Das Feuer" (Schlossgarten Bruchsal)
- "Das Goldene Kalb", Donaupark
- "Das Recht auf Wissen" - Pamela Samuelson on net politics
- "Das Wasser" (Schlossgarten Bruchsal)
- "Das Weib", Stadionbad
- "David-Weill" Desk by Jacques-Émile Ruhlmann MET 1973.154.1
- "Db" standing for dubnium
- "De lu Vagnatò" waterfall
- "De vroegste foto's van Amsterdam"
- "Decindea" Assumption church in Butimanu, Dâmbovița
- "Decorations" by Helena de Kay Gilder
- "Demeanor of Eternity" monument in Yerevan
- "Den Nazis keine Mitte" demonstration Berlin 2019-10-03
- "Denkmal für eine Wirtschaftsnobelpreis-Trägerin" von Helmut und Johanna Kandl, Volkertplatz, Wien Leopoldstadt
- "Der Ackerbau", Karlsplatz
- "Der Kreislauf des Geldes" (Ursulinenstraße 8-16, Saarbrücken)
- "Der Richter und sein Henker" (1953)
- "Der Trommler", Anton Küßwieder
- "Der Verwalter", Schlossgasse Dornbirn
- "Der Weltkrieg" (Cigarette card album)
- "Der Weltkrieg" (Cigarette card album) - 1914
- "Der Weltkrieg" (Cigarette card album) - 1915
- "Der Weltkrieg" (Cigarette card album) - Enemy forces
- "Der Weltkrieg" (Cigarette card album) - Naval warfare
- "Der Weltkrieg" (Cigarette card album) - World War I in the German colonial empire
- "Der geizige Bäcker" (Saarbrücken)
- "Der letzte Mensch", Karlsplatz
- "Die Bockspringer" (Schwetzingen)
- "Die Erde" (Schlossgarten Bruchsal)
- "Die Grattleroper"
- "Die Hohen Berge" nördlich Ladendorf
- "Die Joerger von Tollet und ihre Zeit" exhibition
- "Die Luft" (Schlossgarten Bruchsal)
- "Die Sorg" (Kleinblittersdorf)
- "Die Treue der österreichischen Nation", Karlsplatz
- "Die Wikipedianer kommen!" Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum
- "Die Wikipedianer kommen!" Exkursion Harzhorn
- "Die schärfsten Kritiker der Elche waren früher selber welche" (Frankfurt am Main)
- "Dispersed" Bhagavata Purana ("Sa Mitharam - Sa Nana" or "Palam" Bhagavata Purana)
- "Diário da Tarde" newspaper digitalization granted by the first WMB Grant Program - 2022
- "Djihadmobile" of Syrian fracture
- "Doktorhaus" (Gotthelfstrasse 1, Lützelflüh)
- "Dolphin" model toilets
- "Dreieckiger Teich" (Schlossgarten Schwetzingen)
- "Dreiklang" (Hockenheim)
- "Dreikreuze" wayside shrine (Nordheim am Main)
- "Drujești" church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary in Curtea de Argeș
- "Drumuri" mosaic in Bălți
- "Ds" standing for darmstadtium
- "Dy" standing for dysprosium
- "Dziewuchy Dziewuchom" movement
- "E" Mountain (Elko Hills)
- "E" station of the Omega Navigation System
- "Economia Espacial e Negócios"
- "Eight houses" on Kerepesi út
- "Einen Traum zu träumen und mit anderen zu teilen" by Susanne Zemrosser
- "Elefant" (Wiesloch)
- "Elvis" fencepost, Burnbrae
- "Encyclopédie Agricole"
- "English Factory" in Kazimierz Dolny
- "Er" im Spiegel der Karikatur (1906)
- "Er" standing for erbium
- "Es" standing for einsteinium
- "Eu" standing for europium
- "Europa der Bürger" Vienna - 2013-05-07
- "Evaluarea impactului socio-economic al COVID-19 asupra celor mai vulnerabile persoane" roundtable
- "Evening Time is Reading Time" signs
- "Extraausgabee-!": Erlebnisschau zum Krieg der Medien
- "F" standing for fluorine
- "F" station of the Omega Navigation System
- "FAX" symbol
- "Fahr mit" Hoffmann Reisen GmbH
- "Farhad Carves a Milk Channel for Shirin", Folio 74 from a Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami
- "Fate" motif
- "Fe" standing for iron
- "Fi de curs" event
- "Figur" Detmolder Platz (Frankfurt am Main)
- "Firlej" club in Wrocław
- "Fl" standing for flerovium
- "Fliegende Verkaufsstelle" Konsum-Genossenschafts-Verband Gotha
- "Flores de María"
- "Fluctuat nec mergitur" memorials to the November 2015 Paris attacks
- "Flussgott mit Hecht" (Erlangen)
- "Fly Jalur Gemilang” campaign in Sabah
- "Flămânzești" Archangels' church in Curtea de Argeș
- "Fm" standing for fermium
- "Focus" (Angelika Freitag)
- "Forever alive" memorial (Kremenchuk)
- "Foundation Stones" by Gordon Young, Bradford
- "Fr" standing for francium
- "Franceschino" (Knabenbildnis), Maria Marga Thomass
- "Francesco Morosini" Naval School
- "Frau" (Karl Lemke)
- "FridaysForFuture" protest Berlin 14-12-2018
- "Frieden für Afrin" Demonstration
- "Friends of the Syrian People"
- "Fu" Of Fuzhou Metro
- "Fußballspieler" (Mario Moschi)
- "G" station of the Omega Navigation System
- "Ga" standing for gallium
- "Galician border position" bunker at the castle in Sanok
- "Ganbaro! Ishinomaki" Signboard
- "Garden within the walls", Samchyky Estate
- "Garrison" oak at Garrison Cemetery in Toruń
- "Gaucho" en Plaza Artigas (Salto)
- "Gd" standing for gadolinium
- "Ge" standing for germanium
- "General Albacete Fuster" Marine Infantry School
- "Genièvre" (Alfred Tennyson) by Gustave Doré
- "Genova cavalleria" regimental band
- "Georgie"
- "Geschwisterliebe" im Landschaftspark Bettenburg
- "Gigant" mine (Krivoy Rog)
- "Gitano" Juárez
- "Glück auf"-Turm Eibenstock
- "God first" - or, Hester Needham's work in Sumatra - her letters and diaries (1899)
- "Going out of business" sale at Carson's Furniture Gallery in Wilmette, Illinois
- "Going out of business" sale at Carson Pirie Scott & Co. in Wilmette, Illinois
- "Golden Light Shines Miles Away" - Bronze Civilization in Southwest China Exhibition
- "Goldene Kirche" (Lüneburg)
- "Gracias" rainbows, COVID-19
- "Grateful Russia to its defenders" monument
- "Graue Marter" wayside shrine
- "Großer Torso", Leopoldstadt
- "Grâce aux prisonniers !"
- "Guguță" Theater of Chișinău
- "Gör inte skillnad på människor"
- "H" standing for hydrogen
- "H" system (New York City Subway)
- "Hacia una comunicación pública para la igualdad", por Rita Seagato
- "Halászlány" kútszobor (Sopron)
- "Hambacher Forst Bleibt!" Protest Berlin
- "Hasan" medallion in Hagia Sophia
- "He" standing for helium
- "Heartvine" ("Aoi") chapter from The Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari) MET 2015.300.29
- "Hedgehog" mango chunks
- "Heinrich IV" esietendus Kiek in de Kökis (1983)
- "Herkules und der erymanthische Eber" (Louis Tuaillon)
- "Heuzey's Tomb" (Palatitsa)
- "Hexa Grace" by Victor Vasarely
- "Heß-Marsch" demonstration 2018
- "Heß-Marsch" demonstration and counter protest
- "Hf" standing for hafnium
- "Hg" standing for mercury
- "Hijitus" Gómez
- "Hingebung" (Arthur Lewin-Funcke)
- "Histoire du fort roy Clovis" (tapestries in Tau palace)
- "Histoire du fort roy Clovis" (tapestries in Tau palace) in Médiathèque de l'architecture et du patrimoine
- "Ho" standing for holmium
- "Hobo tourism" textbook presentation/Презентация учебника «Бомж-туризм»
- "Hof zum Fühlen, Sehen und Begreifen"
- "Home Alone" house
- "Hounds, Gentlemen, please!"
- "Hour of the Great Rescue" Sundial and Museum (Raid at Camp Pangatian, Cabanatuan City Memorial Shrine WWII)
- "Hs" standing for hassium
- "Husayn" medallion in Hagia Sophia
- "I" standing for iodine
- "I modi" - Leda and the swan - Agostino Veneziano
- "Ici, c'est l'Ain !" flags
- "Icue" Navy Socio-Cultural Sports Center
- "Ikarus", Schweizergarten
- "Iltakoulu" evening sessions
- "Imagine a world without free knowledge"
- "In" standing for indium
- "In The Beginning---Baptists"!- History of the First Baptist Church, New Bern, North Carolina
- "In The Beginning---Baptists"!- History of the First Baptist Church, New Bern, North Carolina/Views
- "In scena": per i 200 anni del Teatro Sociale di Trento
- "Indoro" model toilets
- "Inspirowane Poezją" Janusza Szubera (vernissage)
- "Inteligência Artificial: A Nova Fronteira da Ciência Brasileira"
- "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iași
- "Ir" standing for iridium